Friday, July 20, 2012

Guns Kill People and Guns Kill People

ASSHOLES!!!! Attempting to watch a clip of that sick Aurora, CO shooting spree only to be graced by a pre-roll ad with 7 beautiful women dressed as nuns carrying automatic weapons. It's an advertisement for the video game Hit Man. ARE YOU EFFING KIDDING ME!!!????? People have died and your are sadistically supporting virtually offing people? How more retardedly, ironically, self-sabotagingly dim-witted can this country's media get? Entertainment is news, news is entertainment. If you think killing people is entertaining there sure-as-a-witch's-tit is gonna be some bored kid with severe, unchecked depression (his single parent deems "eccentricity" or "confusion") who will blow a hole in something somewhere whether it be a person's head, or the stucco wall in a Kmart Superstore. DUH. Then you get into all the gun laws, the politics, the ethics, the "problems with this country." And everyone is pointing a finger at everyone else. Everyone should own a gun, and no one should own a gun, but then the government has guns and we are fucked. And who are we kidding when we think stiff regulation will keep arms out of the bad guy's hands? "Well look at Italy." I don't want to look at Italy- because people get stabbed there all the time and truth be told, I'd rather be shot with a bullet than shanked with some depressed kid's rusty butterfly knife collectable.

I know there is more to it. This is why I don't like politics. I get it... I get your view, and I get his view. And I can't ever decide.

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